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E. Scott Heath, P.E.
President and CEO




Heath and Associates, Inc.,  Shelby, NC - 11/88 - present

Provides management and engineering consulting services to clients with natural gas/landfill gas systems and needs. The three primary areas of responsibility are project engineering and construction management, technical and financial studies and reports, and regulatory compliance consulting. Coordinates intra-company activities as President such as scheduling, billing, marketing, and office management.


Acted as project manager and lead engineer for over 800 miles of gas distribution and transmission pipelines. Develops detailed engineering and construction plans for new gas system additions, gas facilities for industries, and pipeline relocation or upgrade projects. Designs various pipeline appurtenances, city gate and smaller regulator stations, services, and measurement and metersets for end users. Prepares contract documents, coordinates public bidding, oversees and monitors construction projects. Advises clients on scheduling, materials acquisition, and budgeting of capital projects.


Conducts comprehensive, economic, operational, planning, and retail rate studies. Works with clients to determine new areas they wish to serve with new and existing facilities. Helps clients evaluate economic feasibility of proposed projects as well as the preparation of comprehensive master planning reports. Provides financial guidance to clients by performing cost of service rate studies, system sale/acquisition evaluations, organizational efficiency studies, and other financial evaluations. Assists clients with load forecasting, developing gas supply strategies, and flow modeling activities. Analyzes agreements between Transmission Pipelines and clientele concerning rate adjustments, gas supplies and transportation costs, and filings with the FERC. Provides assistance on system reliability and other operational problems. 


Provides consulting services as company’s lead consultant in the field of regulatory compliance. Author of many O&M Plans, OQ Plans, and Transmission Integrity Management Plans. Advisor to APGA for the development of a model Distribution Integrity Management Plan to comply with emerging regulations. Performs compliance and operational safety audits for gas systems. Monitors changing regulatory requirements concerning construction practices, operational safety, and compliance with 49 CFR, Parts 190-199.



Arco Oil and Gas,  7/81 - 10/88

Senior Gas Contracts Engineer, Midland, TX 1/88 - 10/88

Responsible for negotiating wellhead gas purchase contracts for several natural gas processing plants in Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Maintained contracts (approximately 2,000) and resolved co-owner and producer disputes over operational procedures, accounting discrepancies, and payment questions. Evaluated economics for gas plant capital investments such as new well connections, compressor facilities, and processing agreements. Evaluate value of gas plants for divestment/acquisition possibilities with outside companies.


Operational/Analytical Engineer, Midland, TX 3/86 - 10/88, Denver, CO 8/85 - 3/86, Tulsa, OK 8/82 - 8/84

Oversaw operations in various fields located in Texas Panhandle and central Oklahoma. Responsibilities and skills developed include estimating reserves; economic evaluation of development drilling, recompletions, acreage farmout, and property acquisition/sales; maintenance and optimization of waterflood operations; open and cased hole logging; design and selection of perforating, acidizing, and hydraulic fracturing treatments; preparing exhibits for and giving testimony in Texas and Oklahoma State Commission hearings. Accomplishments include receiving special award bonus for initiating recompletion/development drilling program in N.W. Stillwater which led to new reservoir discovery. Prepared several reservoir studies, proposed and supervised successful major stimulation program (50 wells) in Glenn Pool Field.



Drilling Engineer, Tulsa, OK 8/84 - 8/85,

Engineering Development Program, Tyler, TX 7/81 - 8/82

Prepared well plans for drilling wells, detail completion/workover prognosis, and cost estimates. Evaluated bid sheets, select drilling rigs and contractors, obtained drilling permits. Worked one half of time in field supervising drilling rigs and various service company personnel. Worked with reservoir engineering staff preparing reserve estimates, remedial workover and completion recommendations.



Registered Professional Engineer in the following states:

  • North Carolina

  • South Carolina

  • Virginia

  • Alabama

  • Florida

  • Tennessee

  • Kentucky

  • Georgia

  • Louisiana 



  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1981

  • University of Tennessee

  • Graduated with Honors



  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • American Public Gas Association

  • Carolina Public Gas Association                             

  • Southern Gas Association

  • Tennessee Gas Association

  • Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma - Honor Societies

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