Heath and Associates, Inc.
Heath and Associates, Inc.
108 W. Warren St, Suite 300
Shelby, NC 28150
(704) 487-8516
History of Heath and Associates, Inc.
Heath and Associates, Inc., was founded in 1960 by Charles C. Heath to provide engineering, management, and other services to natural gas utilities. Specializing in natural gas, Heath and Associates has served more than fifty utilities throughout the southeast and east coast of the United States. Heath and Associates has also served clients outside the United States in Canada, Puerto Rico, and the Middle East. Heath and Associates has served businesses and industry, primarily in North Carolina and South Carolina. We have also worked with local and state agencies to attract new industry. Heath has traveled abroad with governors and other state officials as a fuel advisor in efforts to stimulate economic development interest from foreign countries and businesses.
Over the past fifty years, Heath and Associates has done a multitude of feasibility and rate studies, as well as a broad spectrum of detailed engineering design for natural gas systems. Major comprehensive studies concerning planning, financial and operational performance, gas system funding and construction, and gas system studies have been done for the states of Kentucky, Vermont, and Maine, as well as for many small distribution companies. Engineering design and specifications for every aspect of natural gas distribution systems have been prepared, including the rebuilding of fourteen complete systems in the state of Kentucky alone.
Charles C. Heath - Founder
Heath and Associates was an early leader in writing and interpreting the Natural Gas Safety Act of 1968. Heath and Associates has written thirty-nine operating and maintenance plans and construction manuals since the early 1970's. Since that time, Heath and Associates continues to update these manuals to reflect the various PHMSA amendments to the Act. Because of Heath and Associates' extensive experience with regulatory compliance and gas system operations, the APGA’s Security and Integrity Foundation selected Heath and Associates to develop a model Integrity Management Plan for gas system operators (SHRIMP). Heath and Associates also assists operators in developing and implementing Operator Qualification and Pipeline Integrity Management programs to comply with the latest PHMSA regulations.
Heath and Associates, Inc., assumed a leadership role in the feasibility, design, and specifications required for propane-air plants and other peaking facilities. Charles Heath has personally worked in the propane air field since 1953 and has presented many papers to gas associations and technical conferences in addition to authoring several magazine articles on the use of propane-air for natural gas systems.
Heath and Associates, Inc., gas purchasing and transportation expertise dates back to the 1970's during gas shortages when Heath and Associates purchased natural gas supplies for industry from producers and arranged transportation to their clients. Today, Heath has contracts with many of its clientele to assist them in purchasing and arranging transportation in the constantly changing and complex world of gas supply acquisition.
Heath and Associates, Inc., reserves its service exclusively to the natural gas industry. Heath and Associates watched the natural gas industry grow for over fifty years, especially in the southeast. During the 1950's and 1960's when natural gas was first made available to the upper southeastern states, natural gas prices were regulated and were artificially low. This availability of a new cheap energy source and a booming national economy created a rapid expansion in the natural gas industry during which Heath and Associates' engineering and management services assisted many developing gas systems. Heath and Associates helped its clients alter their strategies as the natural gas industry entered the 1970's and a period of gas shortages, high prices, and curtailments. Availability of natural gas, low prices, and deregulation of natural gas prices and transportation changed the natural gas industry in the 1980's.
The natural gas industry is now much more complex and requires more attention to the ever changing regulatory environment. FERC Order 636 has mandated that virtually all of the responsibility and risks associated with procuring gas supply be shouldered by the local distribution companies. The 21st century has brought uncertain economic times, volatile gas prices, dramatically changing regulatory requirements concerning pipeline safety, and security issues to the gas industry. By continually adapting to and capitalizing on the opportunities that the changing natural gas industry creates, Heath and Associates has maintained its association with its client base (many for over 40 years) and developed a variety of experience and expertise concerning management and engineering services.
E. Scott Heath
President and CEO
Heath and Associates has grown to meet the expanding needs of our clients. E. Scott Heath, PE is President and CEO of the company. Our staff includes registered professional engineers with backgrounds in oil and gas production, natural gas contracting, large and small local distribution company operating experience, and various petroleum/mechanical/civil engineering project design and management experience. Heath and Associates is uniquely positioned to incorporate the latest technology with seasoned experience to deliver a premium service to our clients. Heath and Associates continues to grow with the natural gas industry as we are currently expanding our staff to meet the challenges of the 21st century.